# ConsumerHost

# Overview

The ConsumerHost contract store and track all registered Consumers. Consumer can deposit and withdraw SQT. Consumer can approve contract, and then don't have to sign for every payment. Other contracts can verify the consumer and safeTransfer SQT.

# Consumer

struct Consumer {
  uint256 balance;
  uint256 nonce;
  bool approved;


# settings

contract ISettings settings

# signers

The Signer account address

address[] signers

# signerIndex

mapping(address => uint256) signerIndex

# fee

The fee charged from consumer payment service

uint256 fee

# feePercentage

The Percentage of FEE

uint256 feePercentage

# consumers

Consumers info that hosting in this contract

mapping(address => struct ConsumerHost.Consumer) consumers

# channels

StateChannels' belongs to consumer

mapping(uint256 => address) channels

# controllers

controller account belongs to consumer

mapping(address => address) controllers


# Approve

Emitted when consumer approve host to manager the balance.

event Approve(address consumer)

# Disapprove

Emitted when consumer disapprove.

event Disapprove(address consumer)

# Deposit

Emitted when consumer deposit.

event Deposit(address consumer, uint256 amount, uint256 balance)

# Withdraw

Emitted when consumer withdraw.

event Withdraw(address consumer, uint256 amount, uint256 balance)

Emitted when consumer pay for open a state channel

event Paid(uint256 channelId, address consumer, address caller, uint256 amount, uint256 balance, uint256 fee)

# Claimed

Emitted when consumer pay for open a state channel

event Claimed(uint256 channelId, address consumer, address caller, uint256 amount, uint256 balance)

# SetControllerAccount

Emitted when consumer set the controller account.

event SetControllerAccount(address consumer, address controller)

# RemoveControllerAccount

Emitted when consumer remove the controller account.

event RemoveControllerAccount(address consumer, address controller)


# initialize

Initialize the contract, setup the SQT, StateChannel, and feePercentage.

function initialize(contract ISettings _settings, address _sqt, address _channel, uint256 _feePercentage) external
Name Type Description
_settings contract ISettings Settings contract address
_sqt address
_channel address
_feePercentage uint256 fee percentage

# setSettings

Update setting state.

function setSettings(contract ISettings _settings) external
Name Type Description
_settings contract ISettings ISettings contract

# setFeePercentage

Update fee percentage

function setFeePercentage(uint256 _feePercentage) external
Name Type Description
_feePercentage uint256 fee percentage

# setControllerAccount

consumer call to set the controller account, since consumer only allowed to set one controller account, we need to remove the previous controller account.

function setControllerAccount(address controller) external
Name Type Description
controller address The address of controller account, consumer to set

# removeControllerAccount

consumer call to remove the controller account.

function removeControllerAccount() public

# collectFee

Collect fee to account

function collectFee(address account, uint256 amount) external
Name Type Description
account address the receiver
amount uint256 the amount

# getSigners

Get contract signer

function getSigners() external view returns (address[])

Return: address[] -> the signer account

# addSigner

Update contract signer

function addSigner(address _signer) external
Name Type Description
_signer address new signer account

# removeSigner

Update contract signer

function removeSigner(address _signer) external
Name Type Description
_signer address new signer account

# isSigner

check sender is signer

function isSigner(address signer) external view returns (bool)
Name Type Description
signer address the checked address

# approve

Approve host can use consumer balance

function approve() external

# disapprove

Disapprove host can use consumer balance

function disapprove() external

# deposit

Deposit amount to hosting, consumer can choose approve or not

function deposit(uint256 amount, bool isApprove) external
Name Type Description
amount uint256 the amount
isApprove bool

# withdraw

Withdraw amount to the consumer(sender)

function withdraw(uint256 amount) external
Name Type Description
amount uint256 the amount

Paied callback function, only support from StateChannel

function paid(uint256 channelId, address sender, uint256 amount, bytes callback) external
Name Type Description
channelId uint256 the opened channel ID
sender address
amount uint256 the amount need to pay
callback bytes the info include consumer and signature(if approve, no signature))

# claimed

Claimed callback function, only support from StateChannel

function claimed(uint256 channelId, uint256 amount) external
Name Type Description
channelId uint256 the finalized channel ID
amount uint256 the amount back to consumer

# checkSign

check the signature from signer or valid consumer

function checkSign(uint256 channelId, bytes32 payload, bytes sign) external view returns (bool)
Name Type Description
channelId uint256 the finalized channel ID
payload bytes32 the message signed by sender
sign bytes the signature

Return: bool -> Result of check

# checkSender

check the sender is from signer or valid consumer

function checkSender(uint256 channelId, address sender) external view returns (bool)
Name Type Description
channelId uint256 the finalized channel ID
sender address the sender need to check

Return: bool -> Result of check

# channelConsumer

return the consumer of a channel

function channelConsumer(uint256 channelId) external view returns (address)
Name Type Description
channelId uint256 the finalized channel ID

Return: address -> Result of addresses

# supportsInterface

Check ERC165 interface

function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual returns (bool)
Name Type Description
interfaceId bytes4 interface ID

Return: bool -> Result of support or not