# PermissionedExchange
For now PermissionedExchange contract allows traders trade their SQTs on admin sent orders, later on we may allow others to send their orders. Controllers may set the trade quota for trader, and trader cannot trade over the their quota. It provides a way for indexers to swap their rewards(SQT) to stable token with a fixed exchange rate.
# ExchangeOrder
struct ExchangeOrder {
address tokenGive;
address tokenGet;
uint256 amountGive;
uint256 amountGet;
address sender;
uint256 expireDate;
uint256 pairOrderId;
uint256 tokenGiveBalance;
# settings
ISettings contract which stores SubQuery network contracts address
contract ISettings settings
# nextOrderId
The next order Id
uint256 nextOrderId
# tradeQuota
Trade quota for traders for specific token: address => trader address => trade Quota
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) tradeQuota
# exchangeController
Account address is controller or not
mapping(address => bool) exchangeController
# orders
Orders: orderId => ExchangeOrder
mapping(uint256 => struct PermissionedExchange.ExchangeOrder) orders
# tradeLimitation
stable coin trade limitation
uint256 tradeLimitation
# accumulatedTrades
accumulated stable coin trades per account
mapping(address => uint256) accumulatedTrades
# tradeLimitationPerAccount
stable coin trade limitation per account
uint256 tradeLimitationPerAccount
# ExchangeOrderSent
Emitted when exchange order sent.
event ExchangeOrderSent(uint256 orderId, address sender, address tokenGive, address tokenGet, uint256 amountGive, uint256 amountGet, uint256 expireDate)
# Trade
Emitted when trader trade on exist orders.
event Trade(uint256 orderId, address tokenGive, uint256 amountGive, address tokenGet, uint256 amountGet)
# OrderSettled
Emitted when expired exchange order settled.
event OrderSettled(uint256 orderId, address tokenGive, uint256 amountGive, address tokenGet, uint256 amountGet)
# QuotaAdded
Emitted when controller add trade quota to trader.
event QuotaAdded(address token, address account, uint256 amount)
# ExchangeOrderChanged
Emitted when addLiquidity by owner.
event ExchangeOrderChanged(uint256 orderId, uint256 tokenGiveBalance)
# initialize
Initialize the contract make order start from 1 and set controller account.
function initialize(contract ISettings _settings, address[] _controllers) external
Name | Type | Description |
_settings | contract ISettings | ISettings contract |
_controllers | address[] | List of addresses to set as controller account |
# setSettings
Update setting state.
function setSettings(contract ISettings _settings) external
Name | Type | Description |
_settings | contract ISettings | ISettings contract |
# setController
Set controller role for this contract, controller have the permission to addQuota for trader.
function setController(address _controller, bool _isController) external
Name | Type | Description |
_controller | address | The account address to set. |
_isController | bool | Set to controller or not. |
# setTradeLimitation
Set the stable coin trading limitation in single transaction.
function setTradeLimitation(uint256 _limit) external
Name | Type | Description |
_limit | uint256 | New limitation. |
# setTradeLimitationPerAccount
Set the stable coin trading limitation in single transaction.
function setTradeLimitationPerAccount(uint256 _limit) external
Name | Type | Description |
_limit | uint256 | New limitation. |
# setAccumulatedTrades
Override accumulatedTrades for given user
function setAccumulatedTrades(address user, uint256 newValue) external
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | user address |
newValue | uint256 | new accumulatedTrades value |
# addLiquidity
Add liquidity to a exist order.
function addLiquidity(uint256 _orderId, uint256 _amount) external
Name | Type | Description |
_orderId | uint256 | order id |
_amount | uint256 | amount to add |
# addQuota
allow controllers to add the trade quota to traders on specific token.
function addQuota(address _token, address _account, uint256 _amount) external
Name | Type | Description |
_token | address | Token address to add quota. |
_account | address | Trader address to add quota. |
_amount | uint256 |
# sendOrder
only onwer have the permission to send the order for now, and traders can do exchanges on these exist orders.
function sendOrder(address _tokenGive, address _tokenGet, uint256 _amountGive, uint256 _amountGet, uint256 _expireDate, uint256 _pairId, uint256 _tokenGiveBalance) public
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenGive | address | The token address order want give. |
_tokenGet | address | The token address order want get. |
_amountGive | uint256 | Amount of give token to calculate exchange rate. |
_amountGet | uint256 | Amount of get token to calculate exchange rate. |
_expireDate | uint256 | Exchange order expire date in uinx timestamp. |
_pairId | uint256 | The order id of its pair order. 0 means no pair order. |
_tokenGiveBalance | uint256 | The balance of order give token amount. |
# createPairOrders
admin have the permission to create pair orders, traders tarde on one of the pair orders, the token get will transfer to the token give of its pair order.
function createPairOrders(address _tokenGive, address _tokenGet, uint256 _amountGive, uint256 _amountGet, uint256 _expireDate, uint256 _tokenGiveBalance) public
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenGive | address | The token address order want give. |
_tokenGet | address | The token address order want get. |
_amountGive | uint256 | Amount of give token to calculate exchange rate. |
_amountGet | uint256 | Amount of get token to calculate exchange rate. |
_expireDate | uint256 | Exchange order expire date in uinx timestamp. |
_tokenGiveBalance | uint256 | The balance of order give token amount. |
# trade
Traders do exchange on exchange orders, but need to trade under the trade quota. If the order has no pair order, the token get will transfer to order sender, otherwise will transfer to the token give of its pair order.
function trade(uint256 _orderId, uint256 _amount) public
Name | Type | Description |
_orderId | uint256 | The order id to trade. |
_amount | uint256 | The amount to trade. |
# settleExpiredOrder
Everyone allowed to call settleExpiredOrder to settled expired order this will return left given token back to order sender.
function settleExpiredOrder(uint256 _orderId) public
Name | Type | Description |
_orderId | uint256 | The order id to settle. |
# cancelOrder
Order sender can cancel the sent order anytime, and this will return leftgiven token back to order sender.
function cancelOrder(uint256 _orderId) public
Name | Type | Description |
_orderId | uint256 | The order id to cancel. |